Becoming "Her": The Journey Within

Becoming "Her": The Journey Within

So, we’re all on our journey to becoming "Her."

I mean, that’s what inspired this necklace.

Our version of "Her" is a woman who has everything together, right?

She's the woman that the current you wishes to be.

It's not another woman; it's the evolved version of you. Kind of like me and you 2.0, the updated version of us. LOL!

Well, she definitely exists, but I think we all need to realize that we cannot be passive when it comes to meeting "Her." She will not just show up at our front door and greet us with a hello. You have to go and find her. She takes work, in fact, she demands it.

If you want to meet her.

Girl!!! You are going to have to be ready to clock in!

And girl, this ain’t no 8-hour shift!

It’s constant work, it’s a promise to yourself, and a reminder of where you are and who you are versus where and who you want to be.

It’s going to be hard, it’s meant to be!

Let yourself know that you got this. Affirm yourself, affirm your confidence, remind yourself.

We’re here to support you on your journey.

Our "I am her" necklace is not just created for you and me to look cute in. It’s designed with a powerful message that expects you to do the work. It’s essentially a promise that you are going to work towards meeting the woman that you want to be.

Ready to make that promise?

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