Jewelry That Affirms

Jewelry That Affirms

Hi Girlie,

Your words have so much power in your life, so it's essential to be kind to yourself and use gentle words.

Lol, we’re out here gentle parenting ourselves! But we have to, girl, if we want to see improvement in our lives. Here are some affirmations to help you become your own IT girl:


Read These Words out loud: 

Affirmation #1

I am worthy of all the good things life has to offer. Even when I don't feel like I am, when I don't look like I am, when it's hard, and when it's going well. I am worthy!

Affirmation #2

I am constantly growing and evolving into a better version of myself. It takes work—work that I will continue to do, work that I have committed to, and a promise that I will fight my hardest to keep. A promise to my future self that I will not negotiate with, not even with myself.

Affirmation #3

I embrace the woman of my dreams with steadfast love & admiration. I see her clearly and hear her voice resonating with confidence and wisdom. I am captivated by her style, grace, and the elegant curves that define her uniqueness. Each day, she grows stronger, wiser, and more elevated. I loved her in the past, I love her now, and I embrace her with open arms as I become her, embodying her essence and walking confidently in her path. I am her, and she is me!

Keep shining and believing in yourself!

If you have an affirmation that you like to share. Share with us on IG or just share some words of encouragement that could inspire someone else @lorzeusjewels on socials.



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